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Themenbild Anfahrt

How to get to us

Directions by car

You can reach us via the A 5 and A 67 highways as well as the B 3 (Bergstraße), B 47 (Nibelungenstraße) and B 460 (Siegfriedstraße) federal highways.
Information for your navigation device: Nibelungenstraße 13

Please note: The destination is in a traffic-free area. Both the Lorsch Museum Center and the Visitor Information Center can only be reached on foot.

By bus and train

Lorsch can also be reached by train and bus. There are signs from the train station to the museum center and monastery grounds (approx. 10 minutes on foot).

Parking facilities


There are several parking spaces at the Nibelungenstraße/Klosterstraße intersection. Additional parking spaces are available on Karolingerplatz (directly in front of the monastery wall).

Bus and car

There are parking spaces for coaches and cars along Odenwaldallee (marked areas at the edge).