World Draft Cattle Symposium
Following the great success of the Virtual World Draft Animal Congress (“Draft Animals in the Past, Present and Future”) in 2021, the World Draft Cattle Symposium will be held in Lorsch (Germany) from March 8-9, 2024.
The aim of the symposium is to provide a comprehensive and interdisciplinary overview of the current state of research and knowledge on the subject of cattle traction (both with bulls, steers and cows) in agriculture, transportation, water supply and crop processing. At the same time, important new concepts on the future importance of draft cattle as working animals in a global context and as part of a sustainable future will be discussed. The conference will be divided into a conference day of oral and poster presentations and a hands-on workshop day that will culminate in the premiere of a fascinating new museum exhibit on the cultural history of the yoke worldwide. The workshop day will provide conference participants with practical insights into the various aspects of working with cattle, including different harness systems, training methods or machinery, but also in relation to the manufacture of claw irons or yokes and collars. The conference will be followed by a Large Field Day on March 10 with different draft animal demonstrations
The official call for papers can be found here:
Official 1st Call for Papers – World Draft Cattle Symposium
>> Register here.
Have a first look at the conference booklet and conference schedule (with timeslots).
For questions about the conference or to be included in the conference newsletter, please contact our coordination team: worlddraftcattlesymposium2024@gmail.com